Friday, June 25, 2010

We have four Magic Bullet Winners! Plus, Summer Smoothie Heaven!

I can clearly remember the day I decided to become a food blogger.  I wanted a place to store my recipes, and to share them with a few friends and family.  I used to ask my husband to take the photographs, because I was insecure about my photography skills.  It took weeks before I received my first comment, and that was really exciting.  I remember being excited to hit 100 followers...then 200... then 300... I've come a long way, baby!   I would blog a recipe ever single day, if I could.  Full-time work, a husband who started to feel neglected by my long blogging sessions and a busy lifestyle means that I can only blog one or two recipes a week.  Still, I haven't lost the enthusiasm I feel when I visit food blogger friends or upload my latest culinary creation.  Food blogging is fun!  What I never expected-- and this is a big bonus-- is to be contacted by companies who ask me to test or review a product.  Heck, yeah!  Me-- the hopeless food gadget addict-- was thrilled to be offered an opportunity to receive my own Magic Bullet To Go.  What really excited me was that the lovely people at Magic bullet  offered FOUR of my own loyal foodie blogosphere friends a chance to win their own.  I'll announce the winners, after I share my favorite breakfast drink-- a Summer Smoothie made with fresh locally grown strawberries, banana and an orange.  So simple. So easy. So tasty. So Satisfying. I drink one of these before I hit the pool for my swimming exercise:

I use low-fat vanilla yogurt (this is our favorite brand, so far).  When bananas start looking a little ripe, they are perfect for this drink.  I peel a fresh orange, if I have one. Honey! That's my favorite part.  A little extra vanilla doesn't hurt.  Occasionally, I'll add soy milk. Usually, I don't, because the yogurt is enough. I add a handful of ice. In the winter, I freeze some of my fruit (so no ice is needed) so I can enjoy them when Summer has gone away for a year. Blend it, baby!  This drink curbs my hunger and cravings for sweets.

What I didn't know, at first, was that I would also receive a Magic Bullet To Go. I found out when  I submitted all of the entries including a couple of my own. Wow! What an unexpected surprise! This will be faster and easier to make in my Magic Bullet-- I can't wait for it to arrive.  There are four of you who will receive one.  Here are the winners, chosen by the lovely and generous folks at Magic Bullet:

Patti, of "Scrappin' Mint". Patti wrote:
I'm a big sweet snack of my favorites is instant cheesecake for one (okay so it might be enough for two but hey, who's counting). I take a few graham crackers and smash them up (this would be so much easier with a magic bullet!), mix them with a little melted butter and put them in the bottom of a small bowl (I just use a cereal bowl)set aside. In a seperate bowl combine a small container of greek yogurt, about 1/2 package of cream cheese, some sugar to taste, and a squeeze of lemon juice, mix until smooth ..again would be sooo much easier in a magic bullet ;) pour over graham cracker 'crust'. Whip up some fresh whipped cream and spread over top. Chill for as long as you are able to wait.(sorry, don't think magic bullet would help with the waiting part, although it would get the rest done faster!) :)

 "Pink Lady Gumbo" entry was:
im so not a snacker, but when i get the urge, i like to snack on something that i never liked until recently...cinnamon pecans! simply coat 2.5 cups of pecans in 1 egg white and 1 T of water (mixed). then in another bag, mix 1/2 c of sugar, 1/4 t salt and 1.5 t of cinnamon and toss the eggy pecans in to coat. bake on 225 for about a hour and yummmmmmmm!!! well, let cool first ;-)
 All Things Yummy wins a Magic Bullet. She submitted a recipe that I definitely plan to make:
I've always wanted a magic bullter so I'm excited to enter My favorite snack is pita chips and hummus.
2 cups canned garbanzo beans, drained
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 kosher teaspoon salt
3 cloves garlic (these are best used after being roasted but raw is ok)
1 teaspoon minced fresh parsley or basil
4-6 sundried tomatoes packed in oil (add more or less to taste) start with Directions Blend all ingredients in food processor (or magic bullet) until smooth.
 Soup's On submitted:
 Garlic White Bean Dip
2 (15oz ea) cans cannellini beans
1 garlic clove, minced
1 lemon, juiced
1/2 cup plus 3T olive oil
1 roasted red pepper, diced
1T parsley, chopped
1T basil, chopped
salt & pepper

1) Drain & rinse beans; set aside 1/2 cup of beans for garnish. Puree remaining beans in a food processor with the garlic, lemon juice and salt & pepper to taste. With the motor running, slowly drizzle in 1/2 cup olive oil, then transfer to a dip bowl. Toss reserved beans with red pepper, 3T olive oil, parsle and basil, and additional salt & pepper to taste. Spoon over the dip and serve.

Congratulations to the chosen winners!  Please email me at with your shipping address so that your Magic Bullet To Go can be shipped out to you.  Thank you to the rest of you who visit my blog, and who also submitted your snack ideas.  I'm looking forward to finding ways to make quick recipes like salsas, egg salad and more smoothies.   The possibilities look endless!

To your healthy summer!

Summer Smoothie

Who doesn't know how to make a smoothie? After trial and error, my favorite combo is strawberries, banana and a fresh orange. A little non-fat yogurt, some vanilla and honey rounds out this thick and tasty drink. It's perfect when I'm ...

See Summer Smoothie on Key Ingredient.

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