Saturday, July 23, 2011

Best Pancakes. I'm serious. With or without Olallieberries?

I have made this pancake recipe three times, in the last month. I feel it is my duty to share this recipe with all of you. You will thank me.  I spotted this recipe on "Coleen's Recipe's" in early June.  Coleen named them "Best Pancakes", and that's a tall claim!  Truthfully, I don't eat traditional pancakes very often, but my husband loves them.  I'm more of a "Swedish Pancake" lover, but I have to say that Coleen was being very accurate.  The first time I made this recipe, I added olallieberries to the batter. These pancakes are also delicious just plain.  Coleen's claim turned out be very accurate.

Olallieberries are indigenous to the Pacific Northwest. 

This recipe hasn't made a lot of pancakes, as every time I've made them, it's has yielded about 8-9 pancakes. That's fine with us, as I don't want leftover pancakes-- but recently I doubled the recipe and it yielded about 15 pancakes.   The dry ingredients are unbleached white flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.  The wet ingredients are beaten eggs and melted butter and pure vanilla.

The soured milk helps to activate the baking soda.  This creates fluffy pancakes. Trust me. Just read the recipe directions carefully-- the key to this recipe is to make "soured milk" by combining vinegar with milk.

Add the soured milk to the eggs and vanilla, then add all of the wet ingredients to the dry and gently mix. A few lumps are okay, but don't overmix!  Be sure to allow the mixed batter to sit for about 10 minutes, until you see bubbles.

 The pancakes puff up, very nicely. 

You can't see the berries, but they are inside these pancakes.  Plain is fine, too. But, for the love of Pete, use only pure maple syrup! WARNING: These hotcakes soak up the syrup fast!

Are these fluffy enough for you? They are for us!
VERDICT:  Nope, not a trace of any vinegar flavor. Fluffy. Tender. Flavorful. The syrup was quickly soaked up. The plates were licked clean.   You don't need a box mix.   I still like the "Fluffy Pancake" recipe that I posted, last April, but that recipe involves folding in fluffy egg whites.  This recipe has become my "go to" pancake recipe.  Sure, you need to wait about 20 minutes for the batter to do it's "magic", but it's so worth it.  According to my pancake loving son, these are the best pancakes I have ever made!

A printable recipe card is at the end of this post.

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