Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Potato Chip Cookies (hey, don't judge until you try it!)

Potato chips are one of our guilty pleasures, at home. I'm pretty good about doling out (and limiting myself) to eating a  small handful of chips, with a burger or a sandwich.

My husband, on the other hand, is a potato chip addict. The brand that he loves most is "Lay's" potato chips.  If they're in plain sight, they're gone in no time at all.

When the June/July 2012 issue of Cook's Country Magazine arrived, I began to eagerly read through all the of the recipes.  I paused at the Potato Chip Cookie recipe, and read the article, and it didn't tickle my visual taste buds.  Potato chips?  I then passed on to reading the rest of the recipes looking for something else to make.  My husband spotted the recipe, and exclaimed that they sounded "terrific"!

Moi: "Really?  You want me to make those?"
Husband: "Yes!"  "Please?"

How can I say no?

I had to buy baked potato chips, though.  I don't buy them otherwise, because I don't like the way they taste.  I mean, if I'm going to indulge in chips, I'm going to buy the real deal.  I figured that Cook's Country had a reason for listing reduced-fat chips, so I added that ingredient to my shopping list.   Cook's Country says, "It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it: We fearlessly ate many batches of cookies baked with potato chips of every sort. In the end, we preferred reduced-fat chips in this recipe. Because of the extra oil, the edges of cookies made with ordinary fried chips get too dark before the cookie is fully baked. Also, some testers detected a disagreeable fried taste in cookies that were made with fried potato chips. "

The ingredients listing also includes flour, confectioners sugar, granulated sugar, butter, egg, vanilla and pecans.

The dough is rolled into balls, then flatted with a floured glass-- actually, I found that spraying the bottom of a glass with non-stick spray works best. 

Bake at 350F for 10-13 minutes; cool and enjoy.

TASTING NOTES:  The cookies are crispy, with a subtle balance of sweet and salty.  These reminded me of "Pecan Sandies", because the pecan flavor is in the foreground of this cookie.  I nibbled on one or two, but I wasn't as over-the-moon about them as my husband was.  So, there you have it-- a cookie with an unusual ingredient, that got enthusiastic thumbs up. My husband is hinting around that he wouldn't mind my making them again, so I'd say that if you love potato chips, then these are the cookie for you.

A printable recipe card is at the end of this post.

BALL CANNING GIVEAWAY WINNER:   A big thank you to all of you who entered to win a Ball Canning Discovery Kit.  The winner is: Larry of "Big Dude's Eclectic Ramblings".   Email me at foodiewife (at) with your mailing address, so that Ball Canning can ship this off to you.  Thanks, Ball, for sponsoring this giveaway!

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